23 - 27 October 2024

International Competition

Open to any youth or adult choir of international standing with a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 60 members. All singers must be aged 15 or over.

The programme must be entirely a capella, represent an historically balanced range of styles and include at least:

  • A work composed before 1750
  • A work by a composer from the choir’s native country
  • A work by a composer from Ireland (choir directors may wish to refer to the choral catalogues of the Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland, for an extensive list of suitable repertoire)

If you require any advice or guidance when choosing a piece from the CMC catalogues, we would be happy to help (please contact us directly on info@derrychoirfest.com).

The contrasting programme should comprise between 3 and 5 pieces and the total performance time (excluding applause) should be between 13 and 15 minutes in duration. Time penalties will apply to choirs whose performance does not adhere to these limits.

1st Prize: £2,000 and ‘Oak Tree of Derry’ Trophy
2nd Prize: £1,500
3rd Prize: £1,000

Selection Process 
Upon receipt of all entry materials, choirs will be selected on the basis of their application. In particular, attention will be paid to the proposed repertoire and to the quality of the performance on the recording submitted.

N.B. Selected choirs will be expected to perform in the Closing Gala Concert and Award Ceremony on Sunday evening of festival week, and in non-competitive activities throughout the festival period.

Special Awards 
Choirs will also be eligible for a number of special awards. Click here for full details.

Please read our Rules & Regulations and then visit our Application Procedure page, where you will find full details of how to apply.
