23 - 27 October 2024

Friend of the festival form

Please fill in your details below to become a Friend of the Festival.

The City of Derry International Choir Festival is GDPR compliant. We ask that you submit your name, address, email address and phone number below so that we can contact you regarding your Friends package and tell you all about our upcoming festival and future festivals. Please note that we only have 3 methods of payment to become a Friend, none of which share any personal data with the Choir Festival. For more information please see our Privacy Statement.

Friends of the Festival form

Payment Methods *

Pay by Cheque
If you're paying by cheque make the cheque payable to "City of Derry International Choir Festival".

Pay by Paypal
once you've completed this form you will then be directed to pay via Paypal.

Pay by Bank Transfer
Bank Name: Danske Bank
Account Name: City of Derry International Choir Festival
Account Number: 9015 6841
National Sort Code: 95-06-79
IBAN: GB59 DABA 9506 7990 1568 41

I am paying by
Membership Type

Why not treat your family or friends to a gift of friendship. You can return to this page and complete a form for them and they will reap the benefits!

Once you press send you will receive a thank you message. This confirms that the form has been submitted and received. If you have missed any required fields then you will see an error message under the field(s) that is incomplete and the form will not be submitted.
